2011年10月25日 星期二

On my way to my favorite spot at OSU

I know we have to take three pictures in one place with three different angles. Finaly I didn't choose one place and take different angles of it, because I have a lot of feelings about on my way to my most favorite spot at OSU. I am so sorry about that. Every step that I walk near that place, I have a lot of feelings like how I got excited to get to visit my favorite place. And... the final destination is the swimming pool.

I used to swim a lot at the pool in OSU. I really do enjoy swimming. I used to practice a lot with swimming, because I always have to keep my skills and have competition with other schools or friends. I started to swim when I was 5 years old. Swimming is my most important activity that I would love to do in my spare time. But, starting from last two months, I started to work for full time and I also taking 5 classes in this quarter. Because my family need my support for money at this hard moment and I also don't want to see my parents got no energy from working, they are really getting old. This is the reason why I quit and gave up my swimming practice and a lot of stuffs. I work five days a week and I am also studying for 22 credit hours at OSU.

This project really made my day. It's a chance for me to go back to the place that I usually go. Why I finally chose three different places with an object? Because I really do expect a lot when I was walking to the pool. I was holding my favorite goggles and get to the swimming pool. I chose the goggle for my object is because it's my birthday present from my mom. She knows I love pink, so she bought me a pink color goggles at the day before I have a competition. This goggle seems like I expect a lot to go to the swimming pool, because I haven't go to the pool for three months already.

This picture can shows I am running to get into Rpac and I really hope I don't have to walk and jump into the pool, that's why I put the goggles in the Rpac.

This picture shows in fact I still have a long way to walk into Rpac. So I bring my goggles with me to walk this path. The long way to walk into rpac makes me feel like it's better than I don't have time to walk this path. This project gave me a chance to swim, because I got a day off from work with telling the manager that I have to go take pictures to work on my project.

Finally!!! I can use my goggles and spend two hours to swim! I put the goggles in that lane is because this is the only lane that I always use to practice.

2011年10月19日 星期三

This time I wasn't in a rush to do it. I used pink color for my background color, because it's my favorite color. I always used my most important things that I would love to share in my life. For the text, I have chose many bright color, because I want to show how happy I am now. I do enjoy my life with my friends and family. This photoshop project really showed my own personality and mood to viewer. I hope people could understand about me more after viewing this photoshop piece.

Identity and selections

1. My family: I am the only child in my family, so my parents care me a lot with everything. My mom loves to buy things to me like clothes, skin care stuffs or cosmetics something like that. She always think a lady has to know how to decorate herself. And my dad care my health a lot. Everytime when I get sick, he cooks a lot of healthy food for me and hope the food can make me better. He also makes the Chinese soup for me in every single week, because Chinese soup can make people get healthier. So I love my parents a lot. I am working for five days a week and I am a full time student. I do that is also because of them, I didn't want my parents work too much, so I usually give them money every month. Hope it could make their lives go easier.
Description: Appreciation

2. Cook: I enjoy cooking. I cook at home in my spare time a lot. I feel so happy when people telling me that the food that I make is delicious. Chicken wing is the most popular dish that I always make at home. My parents and friends love it too!
Description: Hobby

3. Love: I am having a long distance relationship with my boyfriend. He graduated from the Ohio State University with Accounting degree. I met him at OSU too. But then he decided to go to New York and live with his grandparents in Manhattan, because his grandparents live alone overthere and they are getting older, so they need someone to take care of them. My boyfriend is studying MBA at Fordham University right now. We have been dating for 2 years now. Everything goes smooth and he comes to visit me every 2 months. Long distance relationship makes me understand how to cherish a person that I love.
Description: Cherish

4. My Hometown: Hong Kong is my hometown. This is the only place that I will always miss. I always plan to go back to Hong Kong once I graduate. There are too much things can eat, play, and shop. It is just an amazing place to live. My only hope is to go back to Hong Kong as soon as I can.
Description: Hope

5. Outgoing: I am a very outgoing person. I like to do a lot of activities and sporty things with friends. This is just my personality.
Description: My personality

6. My friends: My friends are very important to me. They support me a lot in everything. Everytime I need a person to comfort me or cheer me, they are always beside me to do so. They laugh with me a lot and even cry with me.
Description: Support

7. Shopping: I do enjoy shopping. I love to decorate myself. I don't care people who beside me think about my wearing, but I care how I look like when I look in the mirror. Shopping can also help me relax.
Description: Beauty

8. Cartoon: Hello Kitty is my most favorite cartoon. Hello kitty is just be with me when I was a baby till now. My whole room is all about Hello kitty too!
Description: Teenage

9. Dessert: I love eating dessert. Everytime when I feel sad, I will go buy a fruit tart from Whole Food Market. Because fruit tart is my most favorite dessert and it's healthy!
Description: Favorite

10. My old home: My old home is called "Chi Fu Fa Yuen". It is near the peak in Hong Kong. I lived here from the age of 3 to 16. I just miss this place a lot.
Description: Memories

2011年10月5日 星期三

Our journey to ArtEdu252 class

I go to this class with my friend, Si Chu. We went to class separately on the very first day of this class. We realized it was so hard to find a parking spot. We finally paid $6 for parking at Stadium. But we were still late! Then, we decided to car pool every Monday and Wednesday together. I drive for every Monday and she drive for every Wednesday. We even planned to have lunch together after class at my home. Because we wanted to save some money and not spending too much to eat outside. We went to grocery stores and bought a lot of food for us to cook at home, and we just spend $20 for our three weeks lunch. We also watch comedy Chinese dramas or some programs while eating.

When we car pool to school, we always in a rush. This class is really too early for us. Sometimes Si Chu calls me and wake me up, because i am not an early bird but she is. We have breakfast in the car sometimes. We also run a lot on our way to class. We park at Fisher parking lot on every Monday and Wednesday morning, and we never parked at the stadium anymore. We know the stadium parking lot is all time packed. After finding a parking spot, we go through a tunnel. Then we need to cross a street. After crossing the street, we also see a statue in front of the stadium. After passing the statue, we usually run all the time. Sometimes we say "Oh my goodness! 5 minutes left! Run!"

2011年10月4日 星期二

Scary Clip in Wexner Center

In my view, I think Mickey Mouse is a very cute and colorful cartoon character. He looks so happy all the time.

Yersterday, I went to the Wexner Center at the Ohio State University. I couldn't recognize it was Mickey Mouse in the film. I get scared when I sit in the theater with my another friend. Because the sound of the film and everything seem so scary. Even the screen and the whole theater is all black and dark. I was thinking to leave without watching the whole film. But, suddenly i saw Mickey Mouse's gloves, which made me wanted to stay and make sure if it's really Mickey Mouse or not. The gloves suddenly disappear and I say a throat with a very scary sound again. I sit down and tried to pay attention to the film again. "Wait! There was Mickey Mouse's eyes!" I screamed. This film made me want to wait and see what would appear for the next second. Finally, I found out it was a Mickey Mouse sitting down and sleeping on a red chair.

It was a great clip. Martin Arnold was the film maker of this clip.The original of this clip named "The Box". I think Arnold is a very creative film maker. The connotation of this film is a Mickey Mouse is taking a nap on the red chair with a very loud snore. The denotation is Arnold is seeking retribution against the Mouse for the more sinister aspects of his global reach.